HypoPak was developed to save the time of healthcare professionals, and to prevent severe harm coming to their diabetes patients at risk of hypoglycaemia. Healthcare staff time is valuable, and it can be frustrating when it is wasted it trying to find appropriate food to manage a hypoglycaemic episode. This can also be scary for the patient as they wait.
Mild episodes of hypoglycaemia can lead to severe hypoglycaemia within minutes if not managed immediately and appropriately. What’s more, inappropriately treated hypoglycaemia can lead to excessive over eating or a pronounced counter-regulatory hormone response leading to a persistent hyperglycaemia.
Having HypoPak on hand solves this problem. There is no alternative that acts faster, or more accurately.

Our research recommends a weight-base treatment of rapid acting glucose, followed by 20g of carbohydrate within 15 minutes (to avoid a sugar crash). The weight-based treatment rule is 0.3 grams of rapid acting glucose per 1kg of body weight. The chart below offer some guidelines to help with your calculations:

AJW Enterprises Limited
T/A HypoPak
Wellington, New Zealand.
Contact Email: orders@hypopak.com
Contact Phone: 0800 497 672